Special Forces Warrant Officer Institute


The Special Forces Warrant Officer Institute trains Special Forces Warrant Officers and Warrant Officer Candidates to fill key positions within 1st SFC (A), USASOC and USSOCOM while complementing that training with the education they need to be versatile and innovative leaders, fully capable of operating in uncertain and challenging environments.


Create the most highly trained and educated Warrant Officers in the Army, without equal. We will capitalize on the vertical monopoly we’ve created through the Special Forces Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification Course (SFWOTTC), Special Forces Warrant Officer Advanced Course (SFWOAC), and the Special Forces Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education (SOWOILE) to provide our students with a branch focused and progressive approach to their professional military education.

Special Forces Warrant Officers Must:

  • Be a versatile leader

  • Be mentally resilient and physically fit

  • Possess unquestioned character

  • Be able to inspire others to operate in uncertainty

  • Be innovative and able to solve complex problems

  • Possess good interpersonal skills, political acumen and cultural awareness

  • Be technically and tactically proficient in Special Forces core tasks

  • Be Proficient in resistance warfare, operations, processes, and mission planning and execution

  • Be a trusted advisor to commanders and staff at all echelons

 Start you Warrant Officer career today.

Special Forces Warrant Officer Institute