Special Warfare aims to inform, educate, and bring awareness to the talented, highly effective, and instrumental skill
sets of Special Operations Forces.
We welcome submissions of academic work from students, professors, and cadre of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy
Special Warfare Center and School, scholarly, independent research from members of the armed forces, security
policymakers and shapers, defense analysts, academic specialists and civilians from the U.S. and abroad.
Manuscripts should be 500 to 3,000 words in length. Include a cover letter with the following: Full Name, Rank, Job
Title, email address, phone number, Intended Audience (1-3 sentences), Abstract/Brief Summary (1-3 paragraphs), and
Key Words.
Manuscripts should be submitted in plain text, double-spaced and in a digital file. Endnotes should accompany works
in lieu of embedded footnotes. Please consult The Associated Press Stylebook.
AI is useful for ideation, however no publishable article in Special Warfare can be written exclusively by AI.
Articles that require security clearance should be cleared by the author’s security manager and public affairs office
prior to submission. A memo of the security clearance should be forwarded with the article. If the article talks about
a specific theater special operations command, the article will be forwarded to the TSOC for clearance.