SWCS Family Programs


Family Programs promotes Family stability and growth through outreach, information and referral and follow-up services, connecting the Families to the military and civilian community support services that will make a positive difference in their lives.


Our commitment is to provide a connection between the SWCS Families, the command, and community resources which promotes self-reliance and resiliency. Through this connection we will increase a Family's ability to develop the life skills necessary to adapt to the unique challenges of Special Operations.

Upcoming Events



Points of Contact

1SWTG(A) and NCOA - Mon, Wed, Fri 910-432-3139 and Tue, Thu 910-907-3290

2SWTG(A) and SFWOI - 910-432-8065

SWMG(A) and HHC-SWCS - 910-908-9083

SWCS Family Programs Director - 910-432-5520

SWCS Family Programs Assistant - 910-396-4559

Army Reference Guide for Military Spouses & Veterans

The guide is a comprehensive resource to improve the ability of our Military Spouses and Veterans to obtain and maintain Federal Employment.  The Army Reference Guide for Military Spouses & Veterans will be updated frequently when policy and laws change – the guide is a “living document.”  

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